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Kern High School, KHSD, Trustee, Martha Miller, Bakersfield

Kern High School, KHSD, Trustee, Martha Miller, Bakersfield
Image Source: https://www.ymcahouston.org/files/6508/

Devoted to Targeting Limited Resources to Directly Benefit Students

A budget is a document of competing priorities that demands difficult selections. As a former teacher, I believe the classroom comes first. The Kern High School District derives the majority of its sales from the State of California. The country financial system has suffered through the worst recession in state history and the KHSD has visible its sales from the state reduced by means of more than $30 million during the last  years. Allocation of price range for programs that facilitate pupil studying and support extracurricular sports is the concern. As a Trustee, I will look for ways to do away with waste and direct each greenback viable to the study room.

Clearly, the first-class investment in stepped forward student fulfillment is an increasing number of quite qualified instructors offering students extra lessons that provide for more possibilities for a successful excessive college enjoy. A big number of teachers reports their graduate and professional school training is insufficient in making ready them for their coaching obligations. That makes on-going expert improvement a must! Fortunately, the high faculty district has a strong dedication to personnel development. Currently the district is inside the manner of education its personnel to work as Professional Learning Communities (PLC). Teachers participating in this version paintings collaboratively to design instructions and to analyze student paintings for mastery of standards and capabilities taught. When mastery isn't accomplished, redesigns of instructions occur and students are re-taught. This collegial method shows tremendous promise for elevating pupil scores. Teachers are studying from each other and developing techniques that beautify student gaining knowledge of. Researched based totally group of workers improvement like PLC, when done nicely, provides a notable go back on funding.

Learning power may be maximized with era. Faster, greater accurate and more precise records approximately which students are struggling wherein regions and why enables more powerful remediation. The Kern High School District has been very aggressive, a kingdom leader in truth, in advancing the use of era to growth student success. Unfortunately, finances cuts have slowed District development on this region in current years. As a Trustee, my budget priorities might be more and better teachers first observed through maximum optimizing of technology in the classroom together with more online offerings for college kids who are suffering to graduate and for college kids searching for to get a head start on university.
Labels: Teens

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